Fusion: Deakin Exhibits Online

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  • Tags: Prime ministers - Family relationships - Australia

Inscription: "[S]?arony Melbourne" -- stamped bottom right hand corner. Forms part of: Alfred Deakin Prime Ministerial Library collection. Digitized images. Photographed at: Deakin University, Geelong; in the late 1990s. Colour TIFF images at 300…

Alfred Deakin's daughters seated in the foreground from left to right: Lady Vera White, Lady Stella Rivett and Ivy Brookes; Professor J. La Nauze (Deakin's biographer) is the standing gentleman, second from the left; the Hon. Robert G. Menzies is…

Pictured anti clockwise: Alfred Deakin, Ivy Deakin, Stella Deakin, Sarah Deakin (Alfred Deakin's mother), Vera Deakin, Pattie Deakin (Alfred Deakin's wife), Catherine Deakin (Alfred Deakin's sister)
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